Dudley Industries News

Dudley Industries

Dudley Industries
March 23, 2022
Articles By Dudley Industries

The Development of the Modulo Slimline - Behind the Mirror Washroom Cabinet System

Following the recent launch of the new Modulo Slimline Behind-the-mirror washroom cabinet systems we thought we’d ask our ...

DI Launches Modulo Slimline - Behind the Mirror Cabinet

Dudley Industries, the British manufacturer of stainless-steel washroom equipment, has announced the launch of new, slimline ...

The Different Types of Sheet Metal Fabrication Explained

Sheet metal fabrication is a general term for the process, but there is more than one type of sheet metal fabrication, each ...

How to Exceed Commercial Washroom Hygiene Standards in 2022

As we prepare for 2022, Dudley Industries are lifting the lid on poor washroom hygiene. Your washroom may look clean on the ...

The Different Types of Toilet Roll Dispensers and How to Operate Them

Quality toilet roll dispensers fulfil several functions in a commercial washroom – firstly they obviously provide a ...

Washroom Maintenance: Minimising the Costs

We’ve written before on the subject of washroom maintenance and how it can affect perceptions of a brand. Maintaining a ...

Washroom Design: Practicalities vs Expectations

In this article, we’ll address some of the most important issues that designers and building managers have to consider when ...

Acting in ways that protect our environment

They say that if you want to maintain your commitment to exercise, you should think in terms of “getting fitter” rather than ...

Dudley Industries Support Lancashire Skills Pledge

As a business, we rely on the skills of our people to maintain our competitive edge. We also appreciate the importance of ...

What is Laser Cutting and How Does it Work?

Laser cutting machines offer a fast, clean way to cut intricate patterns and shapes into steel and other metals, wood, and ...