Dudley Industries News

Dudley Industries

Dudley Industries
March 23, 2022
Articles By Dudley Industries

Hand Hygiene in the Workplace: A Best Practice Guide

Working in unity with cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, practicing effective hand hygiene is key to infection control ...

How Do Your Washroom Products Scrub Up? A Guide

Your Guide to Selecting the Right Washroom Products This guide has been created by the team at Dudley Industries to give you ...

COVID19 Update From Our General Manager | Dudley Industries

We hope you are staying safe and well in these peculiar times. Back in March we wrote explaining the steps we were taking to ...

COVID-19 Letter from Gordon, our General Manager

In these worrying times I want to confirm that our production facilities remain fully operational.

How to Choose a Washroom Accessories Manufacturer

If you’re designing a new commercial washroom or re-fitting an existing one, it’s important to bear in mind that choosing ...

What Washroom Facilities Are Needed in Unisex Washrooms?

Gender-neutral toilets have gained enormous popularity in recent years, with high profile employers such as the BBC, Channel ...

Choosing the Right Commercial Soap Dispensers for your Business

Commercial soap dispensers play a crucial role in promoting proper hand hygiene. Viruses and bacteria are easily transmitted ...

About Wudu - Questions on Wudu answered

Many businesses including educational establishments have started celebrating a diverse workforce, student and staff ...

7 Things A Washroom Tells Customers About a Business

Whilst it can be the smallest room, your washroom can play a big role in how customers, visitors and staff perceive your ...

Taking a look back over 2019

As the year begins to wind down we’ve taken a moment to have a reflective look back over 2019 and all that we’ve achieved. ...