Washroom Servicing Solutions

As a specialist washroom products manufacturer, we understand the importance of design, reliability and robustness. Dealing with faulty or damaged dispensers can seriously erode your profits over the course of a contract. That’s why, within your portfolio, it pays to be able to offer customers at least one stainless-steel range. Strong, easy to clean and quick to refill, our premium all-steel products perform reliably and keep their stylish looks in even the busiest of environments.


Products designed for efficient servicing and maintenance

We understand the pressures that your service team are under to ensure they are able to quickly and easily service all products across multiple washrooms which are often widely spread across premises.  That’s why we ensure all our products are easy to open with hinged covers and internals that are quick to refill.  Keys are common across ranges and reservoirs that are suitable for your preferred consumable are just some of the ways we make servicing as easy as possible.




Complete washroom ranges for greater efficiency and lower costs

We know that the key to washroom profitability is to maximise the number of jointly serviceable products on every site, making every service visit as lucrative as possible.  Each of our ranges contains all the different products you need to provide your customers with a comprehensive suite of dispensers, helping to increase servicing efficiency and reduce costs.




Choose from a wide range of stylish washroom products

We are the designer and manufacturer of metal washroom dispensers, all our skills and experience go into creating stylish, reliable dispensers.  This approach enables you to choose your preferred consumable range, one that underpins your company values and works best for you.




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